Using Modern Technology to Address Bullying Problems in Children

Bullying, encompassing physical attacks, verbal abuse, sexual harassment, and other harmful behaviors, is a prevalent issue faced by elementary school students. It should be tackled through the use of modern technology, research, and investigation. Bullying is a form of psychological terror that can have long lasting effects on students, resulting in victims who may become vulnerable or bullies themselves. It involves various practices executed by individuals or groups, such as physical violence through hitting, causing harm to a person’s body and belongings, including pushing and kicking, as well as verbal abuse through hurtful words or writing, threats, and social bullying that damages a person’s reputation and social relationships, such as spreading rumors, intentionally neglecting someone, not playing with them, and embarrassing them in front of others. Moreover, cyberbullying through various electronic applications is also part of the problem

Using Modern Technology to Address Bullying Problems in Children